Our Services

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Services

“Preventing material failure & assuring compliance”

Quality is at the epicenter of whatever we do here at Techno Analysis and that is ultimately our promise to you as our clients. Leveraging on our experienced workforce as well as cutting edge industrial tools, we are confident that our level of service would be second to none. Couple this with our excellent time-keeping, you can say that we deliver top notch service at supersonic speed!


The most common amongst all Non-Destructive Tests, Radiographic testing remains as our main revenue driver. In Radiographic testing, X-rays are used to produce images of objects using film or other detector that is sensitive to radiation. The test object is placed between the radiation source and detector. The thickness and the density of the material that X-rays must penetrate affects the amount of radiation reaching the detector. This variation in radiation produces an image on the detector that often shows internal features of the test object. Techno Analysis has the necessary experienced manpower and accompanying tools to handle all radiographic tests. Trust in us to deliver the best inspection quality to your organization.


In ultrasonic testing, ultrasonic (very short pulse-waves of frequencies ranging from 0.1-15 MHz and occasionally up to 50 MHz) are used to detect flaws or characterize materials. It is also commonly used to determine the thickness of the test object - monitoring pipe work corrosion being a good example. Ultrasonic Inspection is often performed on steel and other metals, though it can be used on concrete and other materials.

We possess the latest tools in conducting ultrasonic testing and we are confident that our level of service, both in terms of quality and time, is up to par if not the best in the business.


Used to inspect ferromagnetic materials (those that can be magnetized) for defects that result in a transition in the magnetic permeability of a material, Magnetic Particle Inspection can detect surface and near surface defects.

We at Techno Analysis are proud to offer Magnetic Particle Testing as part of our NDT portfolio. Our technicians are trained to follow the strictest of Standard Operating Procedures and needless to say are vastly experienced.


Penetrant Test is typically used to locate cracks, porosity, and other defects that break the surface of a material. Liquid penetrant testing is used to inspect large areas very efficiently and will work on most nonporous materials.

In a Penetrant Test, penetrant solution is applied to the surface of a pre-cleaned component. The liquid is pulled into surface-breaking defects by capillary action. Excess penetrant material is carefully cleaned from the surface. A developer is applied to pull the trapped penetrant back to the surface where it is spread out and forms an indication. The indication is much easier to see than the actual defect.


Used to detect surface and near-surface flaws in conductive materials, such as the metals. Eddy current inspection is also used to sort materials based on electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability, and measures the thickness of thin sheets of metal and non conductive coatings such as paint.

Find out how our Non-Destructive Testing service can help ensure the safe and efficient operation of your equipment and assets.